Growth. Strategy. Whimsy.

Author: Jordan

Four Steps to Managing a “bad boss.”

Hint: it takes work and it starts with you! I believe whole-heartedly that we must maintain absolute accountability over our own situations, regardless of our who our bosses are or how they behave. Great bosses can give us great opportunities and develop us, but we have to be prepared to take advantage. Awful bosses can […]

“What’s your name?”

“Names are the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” ― Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People About 500 people milled through our corporate office each day. As the business, supply chain, and R&D headquarters for a global oil and gas service company, HQ employed people from nearly every continent, and […]

Suffering and Redemption

“Affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope.” – Romans, ch. 5, 3-4 Romans chapter 5 is an incredible, timeless piece of writing and is probably one of the most underlined passages in my own Bible. Something about its raw appreciation for the truth that is our redemption through Christ just really […]

The day after Monday

Home on a “snow-day.” When these happen AFTER highschool/college, it usually means cracking the lap-top and catching up on work. I’ll do some of that and a little writing as well. Today’s post was originally going to be about “Ego” and a section I underlined in a book I am reading on the topic. Instead, […]

New site is now live and I am pretty excited. This is just a place for me to store my random ideas, stretch myself, and hopefully leave behind a *little* value for my readers, should I ever get any. My goal is to publish at least one article per week, but hopefully more. I hope to […]