Growth. Strategy. Whimsy.

Suffering and Redemption

“Affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope.”

– Romans, ch. 5, 3-4

Romans chapter 5 is an incredible, timeless piece of writing and is probably one of the most underlined passages in my own Bible. Something about its raw appreciation for the truth that is our redemption through Christ just really appeals my heart – and my head.

While this chapter is filled with truth bomb after truth bomb, one of the proclamations that always catches my attention is verses 3-5. It’s so mathematical, straightforward, and so deep. And so, so true.

When we’re in the valley of our own pain, it’s easy to let the shadows consume us. We create an emotional vortex that holds us down, prevents healing and stands to make suffering seem as if it will never end. The devil tricks our minds to spin up disastrous futures that are unlikely, if not impossible.

Brothers: I invite you, instead, to learn to appreciate your suffering as a chance to sharpen your focus, build your resolve, and create a testimony that will demonstrate the power of our God to save and to heal.

Cling to the Cross, tie your suffering to His, and let yourself be redeemed through your pain.